Supercharge [Your] Health on- 2021 By Taking Vitamin B 12 Rich Foods!!

Vitamin B12 Rich Foods are mainly animal foods.
Do you know in the village area most people are facing B 12 deficiency?
As per statistics vegan people also having a deficiency of Vitamin B 12?
So, stay with me and I will share all these things.
Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin and is naturally present in some foods.
Vitamin B12 exists in several forms of foods and contains the mineral-like cobalt, so compounds with vitamin B12 activity are collectively called “cobalamins”.
1.What Is Vitamin B12?

This water-soluble vitamin has so many essential functions in your body and without this health will not be fit and fine.
The recommended daily intake (RDI) is about 2.4 mcg but slightly higher for pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Vitamin B12 is absorbed in the stomach with the help of a protein called intrinsic factor.
Your body stores excess vitamin B12 in the liver, so if you consume more than the RDI, your body will save it for future use.
You can take Vitamin B 12 Food Supplements also-
Vitamin B12 is mainly found in animal products and dairy products.
2.The top vitamin B-12-rich foods-

Here’s a list of vitamin B-12 rich foods and take it on a regular basis:
2.1. Clams
85 mcg / 3 ounces
Whether you steam them or eat them raw on the half shell with a spritz of lemon juice, clams are one of the best sources of vitamin B-12.
They’re also low in fat, high in protein, and an excellent source of Vitamin B 12.
2.2. Beef liver
70 mcg / 3 ounces
The beef liver may be an acquired taste, but it’s also high in vitamin B-12 and other proteins. It is a huge source of Iron, Magnesium and Vitamin A & Vitamin B6.
2.3. Fortified breakfast cereals
6.0 mcg/ 1/2 cup
In Breakfast, cereals are great vegan sources of vitamin B-12.
Different brands may contain different amounts.
2.4. Salmon
5 mcg / 3 ounces
The nutrition benefits of this fatty fish having a lot.
Salmon is also loaded with omega-3 fatty acids.
These unsaturated fats help prevent heart disease and stroke by lowering your cholesterol, reducing inflammation in your body, and lowering your blood pressure.
2.5. Trout
3.5 mcg/ 3 ounces
Trout is a nutritional powerhouse and a huge vitamin b 12 source.
An average filet (around 3.5 ounces) provides more than 100 percent of the DV of vitamin B-12.
Trout is also high in protein, other B vitamins, and many minerals. Enjoy it baked, broiled, or sautéed with fresh veggies.
2.6. Milk
1.5 mcg / 1 cup
Milk provides a good source of Vitamin B-12 and should be taken daily.
It’s also a reliable source of calcium and vitamin D. If you’re trying to limit fat and calories, stick to low-fat or skim dairy products.
2.7. Yogurt
1 mcg / 1 cup
If you are taking Yogurt daily means you’ll get the benefits of vitamin B-12, calcium, vitamin D.
Choose varieties with no added sugar.
2.8. Ham
0.5 mcg / 3 ounces
Ham contains all the B vitamins except folate.
It’s lower in fat, calories, and cholesterol than many other types of meat, but often much higher in sodium.
If you’re watching your sodium intake, opt for uncured brands.
2.9. Eggs
0.8 mcg/ 1per boiled egg
Eggs also a source of vitamin B-12 as meat and fish, but they’re a decent source.
They also pack a nice punch of protein.
2.10. Chicken breast
0.5 mcg / 3 ounces
Chicken is easy to find, inexpensive, and versatile.
It provides some vitamin B-12, and it’s high in niacin.
It will help to control a lower cholesterol level.
3.List of B-12 foods for vegetarians–

Some good choices for B-12 include:
- yogurt
- low-fat milk
- fortified plant-based milk
- cheese
- eggs
- fortified cereals
- nutritional yeast
3.1. B-12 foods for vegans
Nutritional yeast is a powerful and versatile source of vitamin B-12 and is suitable for both vegetarians and vegans.
Some foods that are a huge source of vitamin B-12 include:
- fortified non-dairy milk
- meat substitutes
- breakfast cereals
- nutritional yeast
- vegan spreads
3.2. Dairy products-Vitamin B12 Rich Foods-
I am sharing you a lot of dairy products to consume adequate vitamin B-12 when you are vegetarian:
- Eight ounces of yogurt can provide 1.2 micrograms of B-12.
- One cup of low-fat milk yields 1.4 micrograms of B-12.
- One ounce of Swiss cheese provides 1.0 micrograms of B-12.
These types of foods can be taken at any time of day and are readily available.
You could try having yogurt with your breakfast and lunch.
3.3. Fortified cereals-Vitamin B12 Rich Foods
Foods fortified with vitamin B-12 and can help you meet your daily intake requirements.
One great fortified food is breakfast cereal.
This means that they do not have to be broken down by your body before they can be absorbed.
Rather, they are used right away.
This will help your body to get more and more vitamin B-12.
3.4. Nutritional yeast-Vitamin B12 Rich Foods
Another super fortified food that contains vitamin B-12 is nutritional yeast.
This is a go-to food for many vegetarians and vegans. It provides a depth of flavor to cooking.
3.5. Nori -Vitamin B12 Rich Foods-
One study has found that nori, as a good source of Vitamin B12 Rich Foods.
This type of algae product is commonly eaten in Asian countries.
3.6. Shitake mushroom-Vitamin B12 Rich Foods-
Like nori, some mushrooms Trusted Source like shitake contains vitamin B-12, which is rare in plant-based foods.
It is a good source of vitamin b 12 sometimes.
Mushrooms can be taken into cooking for a tasty lunch or dinner.
4.Vitamin b12 fruits
None. Plants don’t produce vitamin B12.
You cannot get Vitamin B12 from any kind of plant-sourced food.
If you are a Vegan then you will need B12 supplements and get Vitamin B12 Rich Foods.
Fermented food is fine too but to be consumed regularly as the quantity of B12 is questionable.
Some of the breakfast cereals are fortified with B12. Lacto vegetarians can get B12 from milk.
IVA vegetarian from the egg.
For meat-eaters, the organ meat liver provides a high concentration of B12.
No plant food contains vitamin B12.
If you are vegetarian, then curd, milk, cheese, and other milk products are dietary sources of vitamin B12.
Eggs also contain vitamin B12.
You can read: Are you ready to a prevent-Vitaminsb12 deficiency in -2020
The liver is the richest source of vitamin B12.
5.Vitamin B 12 Images-

6.Vitamin B 12 Food List-
Yet, your diet is the best way to get vitamin B12 Rich Foods.
The average adult should consume 2.5micrograms of vitamin B12 / day, as per the National Institutes of Health Organisation.
The table has given for the best vitamin b12 food sources.
Dietary sources of vitamin B12 | ||
Vitamin B12 Food | Serving size | B12 (mcg) |
Clams | 3 ounces | 84 |
Liver | 3 ounces | 70.7 |
Fortified cereal | 1 cup | 6 |
Trout | 3 ounces | 5.4 |
Salmon | 3 ounces | 4.9 |
Tuna, canned | 3 ounces | 2.5 |
Beef | 3 ounces | 1.5 |
Non-fat plain Greek yogurt | 6 ounces | 1.3 |
Low-fat milk | 1 cup | 1.2 |
Ham | 3 ounces | 0.6 |
Egg | 1 large | 0.6 |
Chicken breast | 3 ounces | 0.3 |
Source: National Institutes of Health. |
7.Conclusion –
Due to its role in energy metabolism and digestion, vitamin B12 is frequently promoted as an energy enhancer and endurance booster.
However, vitamin B12 supplementation appears to have no beneficial effect on health.
By taking Vitamin B12 Rich Foods -Neurological changes, such as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, can also occur.
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