Enhance Your Eye Beauty By Taking Foods With Vitamin A Within 3 Months!!

Foods with Vitamin A is essential for human health and well-being.
Do you know Vitamin A is very much essential for Eye, Respiratory Organ & Urinary Tract?
Do you know -what are the essential foods for Vitamin A?
Do you Know the deficiency disease of Vitamin A?
Don’t worry, please stay with us and I will share with you very important and interesting things about Vitamin A.
As the human body cannot make it own.
So, people must intake this vitamin A from their diet on a regular basis.
Our body requires a range of minerals and vitamins in order to function smoothly. Among some of the main essential vitamins that are important for the human body are Vitamins A, B, C, and D.
All these vitamins perform different functions inside our bodies and the deficiencies of these may result in a number of ailments, both mild and serious.
Please, stick here for 7 minutes and I will share you Foods with Vitamin A and its benefit.
1.What is Vitamin A?

Vitamin A is one of the essential vitamins for the body. It is fat-soluble in nature and is usually stored in the liver.
There are two different types of Vitamin A
1.Preformed Vitamin A
2.Provitamin A.
Preformed Vitamin A is also called Retinol and it can be used up directly by the human body.
Meanwhile, Provitamin A is also known as carotenoids, which, after being consumed, are converted to retinol in the body.
Dairy products and poultry like eggs, milk, chicken, are rich in retinol.
Meanwhile, carotenoids are present in vegetables and fruits.
The Required Dietary or Daily Allowance for Vitamin A varies according to the age of the person.
Additionally, the RDAs for Vitamin A are especially prescribed for pregnant women, as well as lactating mothers.
2. Vitamin A Benefits-

Have a look at some of the important benefits of consuming Vitamin A:
Increased Protection from Bacterial and Viral Infections –
Vitamin A is essential for the healthy surface like- linings of the eyes, mucous membranes, respiratory, urinary tract.
And also intestinal tracts, which help your body protect against infection.
Eye Health–
Vitamin A is responsible for maintaining eye health, as it converts the light entering our eyes into electrical signals that can be then interpreted by the brain.
For Better Eye Health You Can take Vitamin A Food Supplement–
Additionally, Vitamin A is a component of the pigment rhodopsin, which is found in the retina of the eye and is said to be photosensitive.
Proper Immune Functioning –
Vitamin A regulates the immune system and plays a key role in making white blood cells that fight off infections in the body.
A deficiency of Vitamin A can leave you to be vulnerable to a number of diseases and consuming it ensures that your body’s defenses are active.
This vitamin is important for the maintenance of the mucous lining in the eyes, gut, genitalia and the lungs, and it is also crucial for the development of white blood cells that fight infectious diseases.
Fights Acne–
Acne is a skin problem that involves severe breakout of pimples that are often painful and most often even leave scars behind. Vitamin A is said to prevent the development of acne.
Reproductive Health–
Vitamin A is important for maintaining the reproductive health of both men and women, especially the latter by ensuring the proper growth and development of the embryos during pregnancy.
The deficiency of vitamin A in an expectant mother’s diet has been linked with birth defects in their kids.
Healthy Bones–
Vitamin A also supports bone development and health and a deficiency of this vitamin has been linked with poor bone health.
Some studies have shown that people with low levels of Vitamin A in the blood are susceptible to bone fractures.
You can take Vitamin A supplements to increase your eyesight-
B00E6QGF9Y3. Foods With Vitamin A-
The livers of mammals groups like a cow, lamb, pig, etc. are incredibly rich in retinol.
It can be consumed as part of a non-vegetarian diet to meet the requirements of the vitamin.
For this reason, humans like animals that store vitamin A in the liver.
Cod liver oil-
Fish livers are also excellent sources of preformed vitamin A, with 1 tablespoon of cod liver oil providing 272 percent of the DV.
This is the richest source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help fight inflammation, protect the heart.
It also an excellent source of Vitamin D.
You can use this special oil-
Goat Cheese–
This low-calorie cheese is also a rich source of Vitamin A and it contains 29 % of the DV.
Blue Cheese –
One more healthy cheese- blue cheese- is also rich in Vitamin A1 and contains 15 % of the DV (as per USDA data).
Sweet potato-
One whole sweet potato, baked in its skin provides 1,403 mcg of vitamin A, which is 550 % of the DV.
Vitamin A present in this root vegetable..
Sweet potatoes are also low in calories and free from fat. They are high in fiber, and with a low glycemic index, they may help control blood sugar levels.
Enjoy baked sweet potatoes in the skin with a salad and a source of protein, such as salmon or tofu.

Carrots are rich in beta carotene, and half a cup of raw carrots contains 450 mcg of vitamin A and 180 % of the DV.
Carrots are also rich in dietary fiber, which can help prevent the digestion system and also constipation.
A whole, raw Mango is having 110 mcg of vitamin A, or 48 percent of the DV.
Mangos are rich in antioxidants and dietary fiber, which can contribute to better gut function and blood sugar control.
This fruit is delicious on its own, but it works equally well in a tropical fruit salad or mango salsa.
Cantaloupe melon-
A half-cup of this summer melon contains 135 mcg of vitamin A, which is 55% of the DV.
Cantaloupe is a great source of antioxidant vitamin C, which boosts immune function and protects against several diseases.
Eat fresh cantaloupe on its own, with other fruit, or in a smoothie.
Dried apricots-
Dried apricots is rich in vitamin A, snack on dried apricots. Just 10 halves 60 mcg of vitamin A, which is 25 % of the DV. Dried fruits are also high in fiber and antioxidants.
However, dried apricots also contain a lot of sugar and calories, so it is important to consume them in moderation.
Pumpkin pie-
It is another treat rich in vitamin A, with one piece containing 490 mcg and 250 % of the DV.
This is because, like other orange vegetables, pumpkin is rich in beta carotene.
Pumpkins are also a good source of antioxidants, such as vitamin C, lutein, and zeaxanthin.
It indicates that high intakes of these substances can preserve vision and prevent common eye diseases.
So enjoy it in moderation to avoid consuming too much sugar.
4. Vitamin A Rich Food Vegetarian-
This extremely healthy low-calorie veggie is also rich in Provitamin A or carotenoids containing 52 % of beta-carotene (a type of carotenoid) by DV (as per USDA data).
Eating spinach can lower blood pressure and improve heart health.
Like other leafy green vegetables, spinach contains a wealth of nutrients. Each half-cup of boiled spinach provides 573 mcg of vitamin A, which is 229 percent of the DV.
This serving also provides 17% of the DV for iron and 20% of the DV for magnesium.
For better improvement, you can use this supplement-
Magnesium plays a role in over 300 processes in the human body.
Some research indicates that spinach can lower Blood Pressured improve heart health.
Papaya is an important fruit and it is required for liver and eye health.
It contains high amounts of Provitamin.
Papaya has 274 micrograms of beta-carotene.
Tomato juice-
A three-quarter cup serving of tomato juice is having 40 mcg of vitamin A, which is 15 % of the DV.
Tomatoes and Tomato juice contain lutein and zeaxanthin and which may benefit eye health.
Broccoli is another healthful source of vitamin A, with a half-cup 60 mcg, which is 24 % of a person’s DV.
Eating cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, may also reduce some cancers.
People can roast, steam, or fry broccoli, enjoy it in soups, or add it to salads.
5. Vitamin A Daily Requirement as follows:
Age | Daily amount (mcg) |
Males aged 14 years and more | 900 |
Females aged 14 years and more | 700 |
Pregnant women aged 19 years and more | 770 |
Breastfeeding women aged 19 years and more. | 1,300 |
N.B: To calculate the DV of vitamin A that a serving contains, a person needs to know the IU amount and the type of vitamin A that the food contains.
1 IU = 0.3 mcg for preformed vitamin A food.
6. Vitamin A Food Image-

https://healthy-myself.com// Vitamin A Food Image
7. Conclusion-

Many foods, both plant and from animals based foods, contain good amounts of vitamin A.
The best way to ensure an adequate nutrient intake is to eat a varied and balanced diet, full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthful fats, and lean proteins.
8. FAQ-

Question 1-
What is Vitamin A Deficiency Disease?
Vitamin A Deficiency disease is Xerophthalmia & Night Blindness.
Question 2-
Whether Vitamin A is Water-soluble?
No, Vitamin A is fat-soluble.
It will be absorbed better by the body when consumed along with healthy fats.
Animal-sources of Vitamin A may be more effective for Vitamin A deficiency, as they are also naturally rich in fats.
Make a practice of a healthy living lifestyle.
For plant-sources of Vitamin A, make sure you add some amounts of healthy oils like olive oil, canola oil, etc. to improve Vitamin uptake.
You can read here also-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitamin_A
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