Have a Nice Day, and Know About-Balance Diet & It’s Importance- in-Details.

Now it is launch time, come to my boy.
Yes, aunty, I am coming.
After taking the seat he told don’t give me a vegetable, salad, I only take chicken, chow mien and no vegetables no salad, no curd, no roughage.
Now,sea here! Where is “Balance Diet”?
Healthy myself -shares you about -Balanced Diet & Benefits and all this thing.
Every human being is connected with physical and mental health and this is enhanced by taking a balanced diet.
Please stay only 6 minutes and you will get a lot of …
1. What is a Balanced Diet?
This is a true fact of modern life that we are not taking Balance Diet on a regular basis.
Everywhere the scenario is like that only.
Place and character names will change.
What is going on my friends!
We are shifting towards unhealthy foods -like burgers, patties, momos.
We have to know what is required for our bodies and what is to be taken as food.
Nowadays a famous concept has come across the country that takes a Balance diet.
So, what is a balanced diet!
It is a combination of the diet which contains all types of nutrients which is beneficial for health.
All nutrients mean- food should contain carbohydrates, Fats, Protein, Minerals, and Vitamins.
The average person needs 2000 to 2200 cal/day to maintain their health.
So, Friends, a Balance diet is necessary for a regular basis.
2.Importance Of Balanced Diet
2.1.) Maintain Your Immune System:
The immune system is actually a vital force or body’s total potential/ strength, which is fighting against germ or bacteria.
If our immune system is strong we will fit and fine and spend disease-free life.
We have to strengthen the immune system by taking a balanced diet.
We have to take Carbohydrates, Fats, Protein, Vitamins, minerals in such a way that no deficiency found.
Take this one for better health-
For this, we have to take vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin D, and nitrogenous food to strengthen our immune system.
2.2.) Balanced Diet Improves Good Mental And Physical Health:

Healthy foods increase the performance of cells, muscles, bones, metabolic processes.
Balance diet is helping to protect our body from disease. It improves positive impact in our small elements also.
After getting a balanced diet will get physical strength and get energy which will co-relate with mental health.
You will happy means- No stress, no tension, no anxiety, and no depression.
So your body and mind will be calm and peaceful.
Hence, a balanced diet is beneficial for mental health also.
2.3.) Balanced Diet Gives You Energy:
Keeping with the right properties of food i.e. Vitamin, Protein, Carbohydrate, Fat, Minerals can give you energy(vital energy).
Which is the most beneficial for our health?
Carbohydrate such whole grain, starchy food, green vegetables, are the best for prolonged energy given as they are digested at a slower rate.
Water is required for the transport of nutrients.
Nitrogen also useful in our body, both are of Protein food and full of Vitamin.
We have to consume more and more this type of food so that our body will feel fresh, energetic.
And can concentrate on their work without feeling laziness.
2.4.) Get Strong Bones And Teeth By Taking Balanced Diet:

Keeping the bones healthy take a diet with adequate Calcium and Magnesium which will strengthen Bone.
And Teeth and away from Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis later in life.
We have to take food with rich with Calcium as-
- Broccoli
- Milk
- Cabbage
- and Magnesium
- as Leafy green vegetables
- nuts
- seeds
- and the whole green.
Vitamin D helps your body to absorb Calcium and along with taking Sunlight and Cod liver oil.
By this, your bone and teeth will be stronger.
Especially some roughage food is available for teeth by chewing properly.
And make practice daily and teeth and gum will be better.
2.5.) Balance Diet Improves Digestive System:
In modern life, we are thinking about our health.
So we used to go to a trained person, go to the doctor.
Go to a specialist and discuss our health improvement.
The digestive system improves by taking fiber food.
It prevents Constipation and diverticulosis and provides a feeling of fullness without adding calorie.
Soluble fiber mixes with water to create a gel type and help digestion system.
It is a protected heart also.
Insoluble fiber does not mix with water and it increases the bowel and move in outside.
Build time for relaxation into your daily routine.
2.6.) Life Will Be Longer:

Whenever you are taking a Balance diet your body function will be tuned.
And your all organs, tissue, glands, all system, will work properly and damages will be less so life will be longer.
Happy life means longer life.
Disease-free life gives longer life, a healthy life.
3.Balance Diet Images-

4. Balance Diet Charts:

5.Benefits Of Balance Diet-
5.1.) Healthy Person’s Medical Cost Will Be Less:
A person who is taking a balanced diet on a regular basis will be free from disease.
So, no disease, no medicine, so no cost finally no medical bill.
And the medical cost will be less after taking a balanced diet and enjoy a colorful life along with family and friends.
5.2.)Balanced Diet For Healthy Weight:
Take balanced diet i.e. Carbohydrates, Fiber or Roughage food, a small amount of fat and a limited amount of Protein maintain your body’s weight.
If you are taking more calories than obesity found if you are taking fewer calories than slowly body will be underweight.
In obesity, energy will not burn or consume by the body, that extra energy stored by the body as a Fat.
Avg physically active man needs 2000-2200 cal/day.
Avg physically active woman needs 1800-2000 cal/day.
Drinking too much sugary product causes obesity, lack of physical activity leads to obesity.
If your aim to put on weight in a healthy manner so focus on to take a balanced diet.
The balanced diet gives you:
proper calorie intake then slowly we feel better and your body weight will be increased slowly and gain a healthy weight.
5.3.) Aging Effect :
By taking a balanced diet person will maintain his health fit so he is looking more younger than his actual age.
By taking a balanced diet means- sufficient roughage, Protein, Water.
His digestive system, blood circulation system will be fine and life is stress less and enjoyable. so, no disease and feel young and energetic.
Take balanced diet and feel better, younger and energetic.
5.4.) Balance Diet Helps To Control BLOOD Sugar:

There is no single food contains all the essential nutrients you need to control blood sugar.
You need to take groups of food which are digested properly.
For that fiber food, Protein, Vitamin could be taken as spinach, curd, leafy green vegetables, salad, karela can reduce 14% of diabetes.
Broccoli sprouts are beneficial to control sugar.
Take a balanced diet.
Do not take sugar-sweetened beverages, instead of bed tea take green tea.
White bread, pasta, rice, refined flour food has been shown significantly increase the blood sugar level of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Packed food is not good for blood sugar.
5.5.) Balance Diet Prevent Stroke And Safe Your Heart:
Research says most of the cases of Heart attack or CARDIOVASCULAR disease happened due to a bad habit and bad lifestyle.
So by slight changes in food habits, we can save a valuable life.
For preventive action, we have to take Vitamin, especially vitamin E such as-
Green Vegetables
Reducing BP level Heart failure case decreases.
So avoid fast food, avoid saturated fats, take unsaturated fats like Almonds oil, Sunflower oil, oily fish.
They are a healthy choice for the heart as it down the cholesterol level in your body and take only a balanced diet.
Do not take alcohol it will block the artery so blood flow will be hampered.
In modern life, a Heart problem is the major cause of the death of men and women.
You can take Balance Diet Composition Food Supplement Also-
By maintaining the Balance diet we can reduce the risk factor of heart AND lowering the BP and Cholesterol.

A healthy diet or a balanced diet is a diet that contains the right amounts of all the food constituent.
It contains fruit, vegetables, grains, dairy products, and protein and drinking water also.
It does not include too much or too little of any kind of food, it is just a balancing constituent.
Taking Good nutritional habits and a balanced diet aren’t developed in one day.
You have to take it on a daily basis.
If Health is Fit and Fine then everything will be fine.
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